In the field of aviation medicals, requirements tend to stay the same from year to year. Pilot’s medicals for private flying, known as the P.P.L. medical certificate have, however, changed in many ways since the introduction of the new EASA regulations for aviation medicals. The changes are twofold. Firstly, a change l welcome in my own practice of aviation medicals, is that A.M.E.’s (aeromedical examiners) are now totally responsible for all aspects of the class 2 pilots medicals.
Should you, unfortunately, have a problem between medicals or declare a problem during the medical (please see ‘general advice regarding a Pilot’s Medical’) the A.M.E is now responsible for making you unfit, if appropriate, doing the clinical work so that you can have your aviation medical reinstated and making you fit again. If you are not sure about the validity of your pilot’s medical at any point and try ringing the C.A.A. you will be re-directed to the A.M.E. who did you last aviation medical.
Requirements for pilots medicals are set out in the EASA Means of Compliance but the full guidelines remain as established over many years by the C.A.A. Guidelines for Class 2 pilots medicals can be found on the C.A,A, website although l would be delighted to hear from you at any time if you have a query. The second big change in Class 2 pilot medicals is a reduction in the requirements.
To obtain this class of aviation medical an ECG and blood test are no longer required at the initial medical if you under 40. ECG’s for these pilot medicals are first needed at the first medical after 40 and then not again until 50. After that, to maintain your aviation medical you will need an ECG only every two years (unless you have a major cardiac problem). Although mentioned elsewhere, l strongly advise you to book your next aviation medical well before it is due. Pilots medicals can be done up to 45 days before they are due with no loss of validity dates.
For more information or to book an appointment please contact Philip Ranger on his mobile (07740 868749) or alternatively phone Redhill (open Tuesdays & Thursdays but can leave message) on 01737 823 550. You can also book online below:
If you are a new patient please remember your photo ID. All pilots should bring details of any medical issues since your last medical.