I personally think that choice is vital in aviation medicine and that applicants should be free to use the services of an AME who suits their particular needs. I say this as l am aware that the vast majority of ATCO’s use one of very few centres. I do have, however, a number of air traffic officers in my practice and very much welcome any who wish to use my services.
For this reason I have made a point of familiarising myself with the, fairly minor, differences in requirements involved. These are, however, too many to mention in a short article like this but links are:
For more information or to book an appointment please contact Philip Ranger on his mobile (07740 868749) or alternatively phone Redhill (open Tuesdays & Thursdays but can leave message) on 01737 823 550. You can also book online below:
If you are a new patient please remember your photo ID. All pilots should bring details of any medical issues since your last medical.