Aviation medicals, done in conjunction with a pilot obtaining his or her pilot’s licence, apply to all types of licence but the pilot medical required obviously varies in its terms and conditions. The standards for pilots medical certification have long been laid down by the C.A.A.with one exception, namely the group of pilots who are unable (or unwilling) to obtain a Class1 or Class 2 aviation medical certificate. In another site l shall talk more about this group from an historical and licensing perspective but, very briefly; originally a C.A.A. Class 3 pilot medical was available. When this was no longer an option a new solution was needed and, in 2002, the ‘National Private Pilot Licence’ was introduced. The pilots medical for this was then handed to G.P’s, some of whom were , understandably, nervous about the responsibility but never-the-less this system has worked from then until aviation medicals, associated with the new licensing system began in 2012 with the introduction of EASA.
Keeping in this article to the subject of the pilots medical requirements only, the main changes relate to the fact that A.M.E.’s now must do in some cases and can do in all cases the aviation medical required for the provision of a LAPL pilots medical certificate. It is worth noting that Dr Sally Evans at the C.A.A. is, in fact, largely if not wholly responsible for ensuring that, for relevant categories (see below) the G.P. (or rather ‘GMP’ in the language of the European commission) is still able to examine this group of pilots for their pilots medical. Even though l am an enthusiastic A.M.E. l welcome the fact that this duty of certifying pilots for their aviation medical can still reside with the person who should know them best.
Full details are available on the C.A.A. website (www.caa.co.uk/medical with LAPL regulations at the bottom of the page) but l shall now explain a few basic principles and, most importantly the ‘means of compliance’ required so that, prior to your aviation medical you can do some personal research (if your pilot’s medical must be done by an A.M.E). There is a list of conditions which preclude a pilots medical for the LAPL medical certificate. In addition they may refuse, in which case you should ask for a copy of your notes and choose an A.M.E for your pilots medical. The pilots medical itself is a general and comprehensive examination and is obviously designed to meet EASA, LAPL requirements. Anyone reading the EASA ‘Means of Compliance’ for a pilots medical to LAPL standards will soon see that the conditions described, in most cases, simply state that the ‘pilot must be judged to be fit’. Clearly this requirement can be interpreted differently by individual pilots’ medical examiners. The CAA have therefore, and this is an important source of information before your aviation medical, decided that the standards should follow the D.V.L.A. licensing requirements. Basically, to fly unrestricted, you will need to meet HGV Class2 levels. Those only able to reach car licensing limits will need limitations such as restricted to flying without passengers or flying with a safety pilot. DVLA ‘at a glance’ requirements are available on the web (www.dvla.gov.uk/dvla/medical/aag.aspx ).
In summary, the vast majority of the population should be able to enjoy the freedom and thrill of flying should they so wish and A.M.E.’s are here to help in that desire
For more information or to book an appointment please contact Philip Ranger on his mobile (07740 868749) or alternatively phone Redhill (open Tuesdays & Thursdays but can leave message) on 01737 823 550. You can also book online below:
If you are a new patient please remember your photo ID. All pilots should bring details of any medical issues since your last medical.